Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Who doesn't love a party?

And the Buddha said, "You are patience personified."

The IKEA saga continues. After finally reaching the devil's lair via telephone, my pathetic attempt at Spanish coupled with Satan's helper's valiant attempt at English resulted in massive strides forward for the delivery of our kitchen table.

After hearing that we missed the delivery and explaining how that couldn't happen because we waited for it ALL DAY LONG, I asked when the items could be redelivered. After confering with Lucifer, the helper responded, "un otro dia" (some other day). I said, "manana". She said "no es posible, manana fiesta" (its not possible, tomorrow fiesta).

And the Buddha laughed.

And so did I. Of course no deliveries can occur on a Wednesday because anyone with a brain realizes that Wednesday is a party. Thanks anyway stupid. See you on Thursday.

And the Buddha rubbed his belly and said, "What's to eat up in this bitch?"

And we said, "enchiladas."

And the Buddha said, "hook a brother up."

And we said, "chill Buddha, we'll start getting things ready."

If you haven't watched it yet, check out this youtube clip of Stephen Colbert roasting George Bush last year.
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

And if you want to see brilliance in comedy, check out Colbert on the show of his arch nemesis, Bill O'Reilly:

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