Friday, April 11, 2008

Home Stretch

A lot is happening this week. Tessa is heading back to Arizona on Monday :(. We returned from a fantastic cultural experience in Budapest, Hungary last Monday. The second years are finishing school and will all be gone next week. Also, I received the results from the MBA exchange bidding and luckily I snagged a spot to LBS. I will be in London from mid/late Sept through beginning of December. Also, this is the week I take over the Adventure Club at IESE. I am already starting to get trips on the schedule.

Everyone asks if Tessa is leaving because of relationship problems but that is not the case at all. Several factors went into her decision: She has a great business opportunity at home and will start a catering company with her friend, the costs of living here have increased by 20% since we've arrived (because of the falling dollar) which means that the budget we had was really effected, the opportunities for an American to work here are limited to babysitting, teaching English, and giving tours. Not exactly the best options. This has been a very difficult and emotional decision and we hope that it will offer Tessa the opportunity to gain experience in her field and make her life less dependent what is going on with me and school. We are having a going away party tonight.

The third term of school is going pretty well. Classes are much less intense this term which is good because 40-50% of us still need to lock down summer internships and need to spend time applying. The weather is finally turning into what we expected when we moved here; sunny and clear. I thought it was always like that in Barcelona but it turns out that th winter is quite chilly and Spring and Fall offer many rainy/cold days. The nice weather means we can finally begin doing outdoor trips and head to the climbing area in town at Montjuic. I've only climbed three times since moving here which is way below expectations.

I expect to have some time next week to upload some of the pictures from our last couple trips and elaborate a bit more about Budapest and the fantastic time we had there.

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